

# 雅思考官 34 篇小作文范文精选(4):广告的影响力


The essay provides a high-quality IELTS Writing Task 2 sample that discusses the impact of advertising on consumer behavior. By analyzing different perspectives and giving a personal opinion, it aims to help candidates understand how to organize arguments effectively and improve their IELTS writing skills.


Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



The impact of advertising on consumer behavior has long been a topic of debate. While some argue that advertising wields significant persuasive power, others contend that its ubiquity has led to a desensitization among consumers. This essay will examine both perspectives before presenting a balanced view on the matter.

Those who believe in the persuasive power of advertising point to its sophisticated techniques and pervasive nature. Modern advertisements are often crafted by teams of psychologists and marketers who understand human behavior and decision-making processes. They utilize emotional appeals, celebrity endorsements, and targeted messaging to create desires and needs in consumers. Furthermore, the omnipresence of advertising across various media platforms ensures constant exposure, potentially influencing subconscious decision-making.

On the other hand, critics argue that the sheer volume of advertisements has led to "ad fatigue" among consumers. In today's digital age, people are bombarded with countless ads daily, leading many to develop ad-blocking behaviors, both literal (through software) and psychological (by consciously ignoring ads). This oversaturation, they claim, has diminished the effectiveness of advertising as consumers become increasingly skeptical and resistant to marketing messages.

In my opinion, the truth lies somewhere between these two viewpoints. While it's true that consumers have become more adept at filtering out advertising noise, it would be naive to assume that advertising has lost all its influence. The key lies in the quality and relevance of the advertisement. Well-crafted, targeted ads that resonate with consumers' needs and values can still be highly effective, while generic, intrusive ads are more likely to be ignored.

Moreover, the impact of advertising varies across different demographics and product categories. Younger generations, having grown up in a media-saturated environment, might be more ad-resistant, while certain product categories (like luxury goods or new technologies) might still benefit significantly from advertising.

In conclusion, while the ubiquity of advertising has certainly changed consumer behavior, it has not rendered advertising ineffective. Instead, it has raised the bar for advertisers, challenging them to create more innovative, relevant, and engaging content to cut through the noise and reach their target audience effectively.


This essay successfully addresses the task by discussing both perspectives on the effectiveness of advertising and providing a nuanced personal opinion. The writer demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic, using relevant examples and explanations to support the arguments. The essay is well-structured, with clear paragraphing and effective use of cohesive devices.


任务完成度 - 9/9

The essay fully addresses all parts of the task, presenting a well-developed response with relevant, extended and supported ideas.

语言准确度 - 8/9

The language used is largely accurate with a wide range of structures. There are only minor errors that do not impede communication.

词汇资源 - 8/9

The writer uses a wide range of vocabulary with flexibility and precision. There is good use of less common lexical items and awareness of style and collocation.

结构和连贯性 - 9/9

The essay is coherent and cohesive, using a variety of cohesive devices appropriately. The progression of ideas is logical and well-organized.


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